CGL Waltham Forest is a free, safe and confidential drug and alcohol service. You can talk freely and without judgement. This service is available for all adults, children and young people of Waltham Forest.

 Services provided are:

  • One-to-one key working
  • Group programme
  • Medical assessment for opiate substitute treatment and on-site prescribing
  • One-to-one counselling
  • Alcohol treatment (including detox)
  • Support for parents and carers (including counselling)
  • Advice and information
  • Harm reduction (including needle exchange, BBV testing and vaccination)
  • Family interventions and hidden harm work
  • Multi-agency support with mental health, social care, hostels and other teams

You can refer yourself or someone you know.

What treatment will I get?

Your keyworker will work with you to plan the right treatment. It will be based on your needs and circumstances.

Treatment may include:

  • Talking therapies: techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) to help you see how your thoughts and feelings affect your behaviour.

  • Medicine: if you are dependent on heroin or another opioid drug, you may be offered a substitute drug, such as methadone. This means you can get on with your treatment without worrying about withdrawal or buying street drugs.

  • Detoxification (detox): for people who want to stop taking opioid drugs (like heroin) completely. It helps you to cope with the withdrawal symptoms.

  • Self-help: joining a self-help support group, like Narcotics Anonymous. Your keyworker can tell you where your nearest group is. 

  • Reducing harm: your drug worker will help you reduce risks associated with your drug taking. For example, you may be offered tests and treatment for hepatitis or HIV.



1 Beulah Road

Walthamstow E17 9LG

Opening times

Monday: 9:30am to 5pm Tuesday: 9:30am to 8pm Wednesday: 12:30pm to 5pm Thursday: 9:30am to 8pm Friday: 9:30am to 5pm