Charities and volunteering groups

The Communities and Participation team are always keen to meet new VCS organisations operating in the borough.  

Below you can find out how you can connect with the team and make the most of the available support.

Join our network 

To welcome you into the VCS network we would like to find out about the resident supporting work you are doing, or are planning to do, in an online introductory meeting. 

By hearing about your work, we can promote it to residents, colleagues across the council and the wider VCS network.

We can also sign you up to our newsletter where we share information about:  

  • Funding. 
  • Training. 
  • Dates for your diary. 
  • Vacancies.  
  • Council updates relevant to the VCS.  

 Book an introductory meeting on

Community Participation Network meetings

We regularly host VCS network meetings. Attendees can hear news and updates from the council, as well as sharing their own.  

Attendees have said that one of the most useful aspects of attending these online and in-person events, is the chance to network with other VCS in the borough.  

Look out for details of the next meeting in our newsletter.  

Waltham Forest VCS Funding Portal

We have invested in a funding portal to give the Waltham Forest VCS direct access to the latest local and national funding opportunities.  

Register below to browse hundreds of funding opportunities and set up weekly email notifications.


The Legends of the Forest volunteering programme is a council-enabled service delivered by Waltham Forest Council.   

On the Legends website you can advertise your opportunities to recruit volunteers.

Waltham Forest VCS Online Noticeboard

We regularly update our online noticeboard with information useful to the VCS.  

Contact us

We are looking forward to connecting with all members of the Waltham Forest VCS.  

If you haven’t already, please get in touch: