Last updated: 8 February 2024

Next review: 8 February 2025

If an owner wishes to sell a registered property, an asset of community value status can give you six months to put together a bid to buy it.

Since 6 April 2015, once a pub has been nominated as an asset of community value, its permitted development rights are suspended for 56 days.

If a nomination is then successful, those permitted development rights are removed.

This means any demolition or change of use would first need planning permission. Before any development can start, developers must write to the council to confirm if it has been nominated or registered as an asset of community value.

If you want to bid for a property

To express an interest in bidding, your community interest group should complete and return the Intention to Bid or Expression of Interest (EOI form) (PDF).

The legislation that introduces these changes can be viewed on the legislation website.