Last updated: 29 April 2024

Next review: 29 April 2025

The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulation 2000
Cancellation of Contract made in a Consumer’s Home or Place of Work 2008

The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulation 2000 states that when making purchases using the telephone, internet, fax, catalogues or digital television (methods of "distance selling") you must be given clear information regarding your order, the trader, together with cooling-off period in which you may cancel your order, and have protection against credit card fraud and against the demand for payment of unsolicited goods. Some exceptions do apply. If a fraudulent distance purchase is made using your credit card you can cancel the payment. You are also entitled to a refund from the card issuer. Fraudulent purchases and stolen cards should be reported immediately.

Trader Details

Examples of the details you should be supplied with:

  • Name of trader
  • Accurate description of goods and services
  • Prices, including taxes and delivery charges if relevant
  • Delivery arrangements
  • The existence of a right to cancel the order

Cooling-off period

The cooling-off period gives you the right to change your mind and cancel an order within seven working days. If you decide to cancel you should put this in writing. There are exceptions to your rights to cancel.