Help with housing

Finding the right place to live is important when moving to a new area, but is not always easy.

Waltham Forest has a mix of accommodation including:

  • council housing
  • private rented properties
  • owner-occupied homes

If you need help finding a home, or want to know your rights as a tenant or landlord, go to the Waltham Forest housing pages.

If you are threatened with homelessness or think you might become homeless, don’t wait, seek housing advice and assistance from our Homelessness Team.

In an emergency, you can contact Waltham Forest Council’s housing team

  • Call 020 8496 4197 8am to 6pm
  • or 020 8226 2631 6pm to 8am


Local housing forums are a way to meet other tenants and have your say on housing issues in Waltham Forest. For more information, email

Claiming benefits

There are many benefits and allowances in the UK, some managed by central government and others by the local council.

Government benefits 

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Carers Allowance
  • Child Benefit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Working Tax Credit
  • Universal Credit

How ever not everyone is eligible.

Local council benefits

Food banks and baby banks

There are several food banks within the borough as well as cheap or free lunch clubs.

Local food banks and lunch clubs

Baby bank

The Lloyd Park Charity runs a baby bank providing free baby essentials like nappies, clothes and equipment.

Employment support, skills and jobs training

Waltham Forest is growing, with jobs created all the time.

Whether you’re looking for a job or want to learn new skills, there’s advice and support on hand:

Get help to live independently

If you think you need support to live independently, whether that’s because you’re getting older or because you have a health condition or disability, there is help available.

Waltham Forest’s adult social care team help with tasks like cooking and shopping, and can provide equipment to help people stay independent.

The service can also help if you are

  • caring for someone
  • think another person is at risk from harm
  • or if you are being mistreated or abused yourself

In an emergency, contact

  • The Safeguarding Adults team
  • Call 020 8496 3000

Mental health support

Whether you have a long term mental health condition and need to find services locally, are feeling low or worried for the first time about your mental health there’s help available here in Waltham Forest. 

Anti-social behaviour or crime

Anti-social behaviour and crime can have a big impact on our quality of life.

There’s a lot going on in Waltham Forest to tackle anti-social behaviour and crime including youth violence, gangs, and violence against women and girls.

You can report crime and if you or someone you knew has been a victim of crime, contact victim support.

Remember, if a crime is being committed and someone’s life is in danger, call 999 and ask for the police.

Safer neighbourhoods

Waltham Forest has a safer neighbourhood board, giving people a chance to have their say on anti-social behaviour and crime. 

To attend a meeting or to find out more, contact the Waltham Forest Council’s Democratic Services team: