Last updated: 6 March 2024

Next review: 5 March 2025

Top tips to help you prevent Type 2 Diabetes:

Services to help prevent diabetes

  • Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme identifies those who have higher chances of developing Diabetes and offers them a personalised service (including tailored weight loss, healthy eating and exercise programme) to help reduce their risk. Speak to your GP about getting a blood test. 
  • Get a free NHS Health Check to check your risk of Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other conditions.
  • Each Waltham Forest Family Hubs (through HENRY's "Best Start" service) have trained nutritionists and champions. They offer group, drop-ins and one on one sessions to families with children five years and under. Call 0208 496 5223 for more information.
  • NELFT nutrition and dietetic service offers expert nutritional advice and weight management services on a one-to-one and group sessions basis.
  • Diabetes  Action CIC work with individuals, schools and faith groups to support affordable healthy eating and raise awareness about diabetes. DAC also offer free online cooking classes, fitness sessions and mindfulness. Contact Monica Saunders at or call: 07958404160 for more information.
  • Bags of Taste offers cooking lessons around cooking healthy tasty meals on a low budget. They currently offer sessions virtually.
  • NELFT and Bartshealth (Whippscross) offer support to people with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes around managing the disease.
  • Waltham Forest Diabetes UK Group is a support group for people living with diabetes, their carers or friends. Contact John Fisher at for more information.