Last updated: 13 October 2023

Next review: 13 October 2024

Contractor search engines

Searching for a contractor to deliver retrofit improvements can be difficult. The following directory's may also be useful to find a contractor.

Simple Energy Advice

“Buy with Confidence” search engine

Which? Trusted Trader Scheme

Association for Environment Conscious Building (AECB)

  • This is an association of contractors, trade people, architects, engineers, manufacturers. This association has over 1,000 members.
  • Their aim is to develop and promote sustainable building practice.
  • They have a directory of members that can help you find an organisation or individual with the right specialism for your property.
  • The AECB also offer a number of learning resources and training courses for homeowners and contractors.
  • More information on the AECB and to access their directory

Parity Projects

Contractor accreditations

We recommends using installers with the following accreditation's.

  1. The installer has a Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) accreditation. This is only for installers of low-carbon heating systems such as heat pumps. For more information on the Microgeneration Certification Scheme
  2. PAS 2035 Certified. The Government has recently produced guidance on how to retrofit homes. This guidance is called the Publicly Available Specification 2035 "Retrofitting Dwellings for Improved Energy Efficiency”. Any installer of energy efficiency measures which use public funding, has to show that they are compliant with the PAS 2035 standard. This document sets the standard for all elements of retrofit. These elements include
    • property assessment,
    • improvement installation.
    • improvement monitoring.