What is the Violence Reduction Partnership?

The VRP brings together a range of partners to take a public health approach to tackling violence and its root causes. These include the council, the Metropolitan Police, health and education services and local community groups.

We do this in order to achieve our ambition: to reduce violence in Waltham Forest so that our residents feel safer.

Please read the Violence Reduction Partnership’s Annual Report (PDF) to find out more.

Waltham Forest’s public health approach

The VRP takes a four-stranded public health approach to tackle violence and its causes:

  • Curtail violent acts at source, pursuing perpetrators and enforcing action
  • Treat those who've been exposed to violence to control the spread
  • Support those susceptible to violence due to their exposure to risk factors
  • Strengthen community resilience through a universal approach

Each domain has a working group made up of key partners including council and Police officers, health and education services, and community groups.

These groups meet once a term to develop innovative and strategic approaches to reduce violence, and to update on progress. 

Young people are represented in each group. However, to ensure their voice is fully heard, there is a separate Young People’s Group to test emerging actions, offer challenge and/or endorsement.

Contact us if you’d like to get involved in these meetings.

Help us to reduce violence

Join us in the fight to tackle violence and its causes in our borough. To help, you can:

Report crime:

  • If you see crime happening, call 999 and report it immediately
  • If you have information about a crime or a known criminal, you can report it to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111
  • You can report antisocial behaviour on the council’s website

Report concerns of harm or exploitation:

  • If you're concerned that a child has been harmed, exploited, or exposed to violence then contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) by email or on 020 8496 2310

Support young people by volunteering:

  • We're recruiting local residents to act as Community Mentors for those at risk of exploitation. Find out more 
  • We need residents and businesses to act as ‘Ask Me Ambassadors’ who can speak to young people concerned about gang activity or youth violence.  Find out more
  • We have a thriving network of community organisations who support our young people. Contact us to find out how you can get involved.