Last updated: 19 December 2023

Next review: 19 December 2024

Waltham Forest has a policy which delegates admission to Nursery Schools and Classes to the school governors.

For headteachers, the following admission criteria are equally important when allocating part-time and full time places.

A. Individual needs of children and their families:

A child will have a higher priority for admission if:

  • they have a Statement of Special Educational Needs
  • they are in public care
  • they/their parent/carer has a medical condition affecting mobility and this is nearest the family home or place of medical treatment.

For some children, there will be other reasons why a full-time place may be offered.

B. Children with a sibling at the school, linked school or other local infant or primary school which has no nursery class attached to it:

The headteacher will consider the implications for both the family and the school of sibling connections.

C. Nearness to the school:

The headteacher will consider the home address and may take into account childminding arrangements.

D. Continuity and progression:

Nursery schools

Thought will be given to the importance of family links with the nursery school and other local infant and primary schools.

Nursery classes

Thought will be given if a sister/brother is already on roll in the nursery class, linked infant, junior of primary school.

Voluntary aided schools

Control their own admissions to attached nursery classes. Individual schools will have information on their admission policies.