Last updated: 5 March 2024

Next review: 5 March 2025

In Waltham Forest, there are different types of schools for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

These include mainstream schools with their own and additional support through EHC plans, mainstream schools with resourced provision and special schools.

Special schools

In Waltham Forest we have 4 special schools.

  • Whitefield School - E17 4AZ Ofsted rating:Outstanding
    Profound and multiple learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties, speech language communication difficulties,  autism spectrum, visual impairment, hearing impairment.

Resourced provision

Special Resourced Provisions in mainstream schools provide a secure supportive environment within a standard context. This enables children and young people with SEND to access the usual curriculum alongside their peers.

Specialised facilities and specialists are attached to the provision, with help from teachers, therapists and others whose expertise is needed. Children will be based on the resource. They'll also spend time in the regular classroom, and/or children from the mainstream may spend time in the resource.

Resourced provision can mean that your child may benefit in the following ways:

  • Go to the same school as their sibling
  • Mix with children who are non-SEND
  • Attend some mainstream classes where possible

It isn’t only special resourced provision that works in this way. Many special schools actively encourage their children to spend as much time as possible in a mainstream environment (dual registration). Visits are carefully planned to suit the needs of the child and indeed members of the class the child will be integrated into. 

In Waltham Forest, we have the following Resourced Provision:

Types of Provision Key: 

HI - Hearing Impaired, GDD - Global Development Delay, ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder, VI - Visual Impairment and SLCN - Speech, Language, and Communication Need.

Maintained Primary



Type Post Code Inspection

Whitehall Primary 

HI  E4 6ES     Outstanding

South Grove Primary 

ASD / GDD   E17 8DL  Outstanding

Secondary Maintained



Type Post Code Inspection


SLCN  E11 3NT Good

Frederick Bremer

Autism E17 4EY Good


HI E4 6ES Good



Primary Academies



Type Post Code Inspection

Highams Park 

VI E4 9PJ Good

Davies Lane Primary  

ASD E11 3DR Not Inspected

Woodside Primary

ASD E17 3JX Outstanding

Secondary Academies



Type Post Code Inspection 

Chingford Foundation 

SLCN / ASD E4 7LT Requires improvement


ASD E17 6ED Good

Pupil Referral Unit



Type Post Code Inspection

Hawkswood Therapeutic

Therapeutic   E4 7RT Good

Resourced provision in colleges

Young people will tend to be in resourced provision in a General Further Education College (GFE) with access to mainstream classrooms.  In Waltham Forest this will be Waltham Forest College (E17)

Young people can also attend School Sixth Forms or Sixth Form Colleges.  If you attend these institutions, young people will be more likely to have personalised additional support to assist them in their learning.  In Waltham Forest the Sixth Form Colleges are: