Last updated: 15 April 2024

Next review: 15 April 2025

Sleep deprivation not only affects a child’s learning, behaviour, mood and health but also the physical and mental well-being of the whole family.

Why your child might struggle to sleep

All children have sleep difficulties at certain times in their life, but disabled children are more than twice as likely to have problems with sleep. If this starts to become a problem, you may need to seek advice.

Sleep help in Waltham Forest

In Waltham Forest, we have commissioned Sleep Practitioners to support families with sleep concerns they may have. This consists of the following:

  • A 90 minute one to one consultation with a sleep practitioner hosted by telephone or Zoom video conference, or in person when able.
  • A full history of sleep issues will be taken and an individualised detailed sleep plan produced with specific advice on how to tackle sleep issues identified in the consultation.
  • Following receipt of the report the family may opt to have a further telephone call or Zoom video conference to discuss the report and / or up to four telephone support sessions to support the implementation of the sleep plan.

How families can access this support

The child or young person does not need to be in receipt of the short breaks service to access sleep support, but they do need to have SEND.

  • If you are already in receipt of Short Breaks then you can call or email Tony Connole, Short Breaks Coordinator 
  • If you do not have or want Short Breaks but would like sleep support, this can be requested by the parent or a professional working with a child / young person with SEND who lives in Waltham Forest by completion of a Short Break self-referral form which can be downloaded from the Waltham Forest Local Offer. Alternatively a self-referral form can be requested from Tony Connole, Short Break Coordinator who can be contacted by telephone on 020 8496 3515 or by email at . Only the sections up to and including the sleep section need to be completed and then the form needs to be signed and evidence of SEND sent in with the referral form.
  • A professional working with the child can request to present a case at the short breaks panel. Details of how to do this can be obtained from SEND Service.