Last updated: 15 March 2024

Next review: 15 March 2025

Education or Work

Higher education/further education and/or employment/voluntary work includes exploring different work options, such as support for becoming self-employed and help from supported job agencies. This can also include apprenticeships, supported internships, traineeships, and internships.

Independence and independent living

This means having the choice, control, and freedom over your life and the support you have, your accommodation, and living arrangements, including supported living.

Life skills

Life skills include things like:

  • travel training
  • road safety awareness
  • budgeting
  • shopping
  • cooking
  • being able to look after yourself/organisation skills

Community and friendships

Community and friendships include having friends and relationships and being part of your local community. This could include:

  • belonging to a youth club
  • belonging to a religious community
  • attending day services
  • awareness of online dangers
  • sexual relationships

Good Health

Where possible looking after and/or being supported to manage your own health by being as healthy as possible in adult life. This may include being fit and using local leisure centres (gyms, swimming pools) and local parks (cycling, outdoor gyms).

It also includes making healthy food choices, making appointments with doctors/dentists/opticians, and sexual health information.