Last updated: 4 September 2023

Next review: 4 September 2024

You may be eligible for services under the Care Act 2014 if you care for a person. You'll need to request this assessment through the Social Care Access Tool.

If you are a carer, you should also have a carer’s assessment as part of this process

The Social Care Access Tool will determine whether you are eligible and could lead to a more detailed assessment later.  Assessments by adult social care should be done before the young person turns 18.

We will signpost young people who are not eligible for adult social care to other support including employment and skills training.

People eligible for care and support may receive advice, direct services or a package of support, such as a direct payment.

Eligibility criteria for you and the carer

To be eligible for support, you and the carer must meet the following criteria:

  • carrying out any caring responsibilities you have for either child or adult.
  • developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships
  • engaging in recreational activities
  • maintaining a habitable home environment in your own home
  • managing and maintaining nutrition
  • providing care to other persons for whom you provide care
  • making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community including recreational facilities or services
  • accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering