Last updated: 8 February 2024

Next review: 8 February 2025

We are determined to ensure that all children in Waltham Forest receive the highest quality of education. We want the borough to be a centre for educational excellence and to build on the successes of existing provisions.

Our feedback to the DfE will therefore reflect whether the proposal can demonstrate clear evidence of:

  • A proven track record in delivering education provision of the highest quality
  • A proven track record in promoting high standards and innovation to drive system change
  • Capability to manage the process and deliver the proposal on time
  • Commitment to an inclusive, comprehensive, and cohesive community. This is to be achieved by admitting children and young people regardless of religion, gender, sexuality, ethnic origin, or ability
  • Understanding of our community and demonstrable experience of success in a similar context
  • Commitment to working in partnership with parents, the Council, other local schools, and agencies to support the needs of vulnerable children and young people. This includes those with statements of Special Educational Needs (SEN) and those at risk of exclusion
  • Commitment to carrying out and responding to meaningful consultation with the local community, including other local schools
  • Commitment to employing qualified school leaders, teachers, and support staff