Last updated: 10 June 2024

Next review: 10 June 2025

If a pupil is suspended, they won't be allowed in school for a specified number of days because they have breached the school’s behaviour policy.

Pupils who misbehave at lunchtime may be suspended for lunchtime only. Each lunchtime suspension counts as half a day.

During this period, a pupil is not allowed on the school site. However, it does not have to be a continuous period. This might apply if a pupil attends college or other off-site provision for part of the week.

A pupil cannot be given more than 45 days fixed term suspensions in one academic school year.

When a pupil has a fixed term suspension, the school must set and mark work for the first five days of the suspension. From the sixth day, the school must offer a full-time education provision.

Suspensions for more than five school days

If any suspension is for more than five school days, parents/ carers can request a meeting of the school to review the exclusion. Governors must agree to this request and meet within 50 school days.

Suspension for more than 15 school days

When suspensions total over 15 school days in one term, the Governors must arrange a meeting to consider the exclusion within 15 school days. The parents/ carers and a council representative must be invited to this.