Libyan Crisis

Waltham Forest Town Hall Fountain
Published: 26 September 2023
Filed under: Public Health

Our thoughts are with all who are affected by the recent disasters in Morocco and Libya. If you are feeling anxious or worried about the issues, please don’t suffer in silence. You are not alone and there are services available for residents in Waltham Forest that can help.

If you are impacted negatively by the recent news- you are not alone, studies show that too much exposure to news around the world can negatively impact your emotional health. We encourage you to take a break from the news and use the time in self care or activity that will make you feel better

If you are a professional or volunteer supporting those affected by the Libyan crisis, Thrive London has developed a Trauma-Informed Practice training offer to help professionals and volunteers gain an understanding of the impact of trauma and integrate a trauma informed approach to practice

Services available

Services available for residents in Waltham Forest that can help your mental health:

  • Mental Health Direct (NELFT): Call Mental Health Direct on 0800 995 1000. If your mental health deteriorates, or if you experience thoughts of suicide you can call for mental health help and advice anytime of the day or night. If you live in Waltham Forest, Barking and Dagenham, Havering, Redbridge, Essex or Kent & Medway, It's a free phone number and callers will not be charged. (Open to callers based in these London boroughs, 24 hours a day all year round.)
  • Samaritans: Call 116 123 or email and Samaritans volunteers will listen to your concerns and worries.
  • CRUSE: Call 0808 808 1677 and trained volunteers will offer emotional support and advice to anyone affected by bereavement and loss of a loved one.
  • Council’s 5 ways to Wellbeing will help you take action and use local resources to help you stay well and look after your wellbeing in difficult times

Online resources