From supported to supporter

Akila (left) and Donna at Walthamstow Family Hub
Published: 28 September 2023
Filed under: Communications

Akila was at a difficult point in her life when she first met Donna, a Council Adult Early Help Link Worker. Two years later, Akila is volunteering for Adult Early Help, the service which once supported her.

Akila said:

When I saw Donna again while volunteering a few weeks ago, I just started crying. I hugged her and said: You got me out of my home. You are an angel. You showed me a world that is there for me still.

I first met her in 2021. I was bedbound with a health condition and stayed indoors for days. I was very isolated.

I was referred to the Council’s Adult Early Help Link Worker team and was supported by Donna. She came to my house regularly.

First, she would help with my finances or help me fill out forms. She slowly started taking me out of the house, going for coffee, and taking breaks when I needed to.

After another period of severe illness, I thought, I have to do something, I have to live my life. I came to Walthamstow Family Hub and started volunteering for their Community Drop-Ins. That’s where I saw Donna for the first time in a year.

When I help people, it makes me more confident. I know more than anyone that when you’re struggling, you feel stuck, so I love to support people. It’s just amazing that I can do it with the same service who’d helped me before.

With the confidence I have, I’ve now started an English language course at the Adult Learning Centre, and soon I’m going to start an accountancy course too!

If you, or anyone you know, would benefit from speaking to an Adult Early Help Link Worker, please visit the Adult Early Help Service page.