The Local Government (miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 lists sex shops, sex cinemas and sexual entertainment venues as venues that fall under licensing regulations.


  • Grant: £9,014.
  • Renewal: £9,014.

Sex Entertainment Venues (SEV)

The Policing and Crime Act 2009 has introduced new powers for local authorities to regulate sexual entertainment venues. These are premises where live entertainment or displays of nudity take place for the purpose of sexually stimulating an audience. Lap dancing venues are one of the main types of premises of this type.

On 24 October 2013, we passed a resolution to adopt Schedule 3 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (1982 Act) as amended by the Policing and Crime Act 2009. This came into effect on 1 January 2014.

This resolution gave us greater powers to regulate sexual entertainment venues, as well as more control over the establishment of such premises in the borough.

The new powers allow us to consider applications based on wider concerns than those permitted under previous legislation.

On 24 October 2013, we also adopted its Sex Establishment Policy. This sets out our approach to the regulation of premises under the provisions of the 1982 act.

Location and limits on numbers

Under the 1982 act, we can refuse applications for sexual entertainment venues, on the grounds that there are already enough in the local area.

We consider that the following wards should have no sexual entertainment venues:

Ward Appropriate number
Cann Hall None
Cathall None
Chapel End None
Chingford Green None
Endlebury None
Forest None
Grove Green None
Hale End and Highams Park None
Hatch Lane None
High Street None
Higham Hill None
Hoe Street None
Larkswood None
Lea Bridge None
Leyton None
Leytonstone None
Markhouse None
Valley None
William Morris None
Wood Street None

View the Sex Establishment Policy (PDF)

Before applying to operate as a sex entertainment venue, please contact the licensing team for details.

The application process

  • Fees will be payable for applications and conditions may be attached
  • Applications must be in writing (including by electronic means). They must include any information we require, plus the applicant's name, address and, if the applicant is an individual, their age, and the address of the premises
  • On the date of application, you must put up on and display a notice where it can easily be seen and read by persons in the street or adjoining public place
  • This notice must be displayed for 28 days
  • Within 7 days of applying for a licence, you must put a notice advertising the application in a local newspaper
  • On receipt of a valid application, we will arrange to carry out a detailed inspection of the premises by council officers, fire safety officer and the police
  • As a result of these inspections we may issue you with a statement and schedule of works required to meet our requirements.
  • Any works detailed are on top of those which may be required under building control or planning legislation. It is your responsibility, as the applicant, to ensure you have obtained all planning and building control permissions

Sex shop eligibility criteria

To run a sex shop (that is any premises selling sex articles such as books, toys or R18 videos etc.) you may need a licence from us. This also applies to venues where explicit films are shown to the public.

An applicant:

  • must be at least 18 years old
  • must not be disqualified from holding a licence
  • must have live in the UK at least six months immediately before the application or, if a corporate body, must be incorporated in the UK
  • mustn't have been refused the grant or renewal of a licence for the premises in question within the last 12 months - unless the refusal was reversed on appeal

Regulation summary

See a summary of the licence regulation on the Office of Public Sector Information website.

Will tacit consent apply?

Yes. You can assume that your application is granted if no representations are received within 28 days of submitting it.

If your application failed

Please contact us and ask for our licensing team.

If you are refused a licence, you may, within 21 days of being notified of this, appeal to the local magistrates' court.

However, this right to appeal doesn't apply if the licence was refused because:

  • The number of sex establishments in the area exceeds the number we consider is appropriate
  • The grant of the licence would be inappropriate considering the area's character, the nature of other premises nearby, or the premises themselves

Licence-holder redress

Please contact us and ask for the licensing team.

A licence-holder who wishes to appeal against a condition can appeal to a local magistrates' court. They may also appeal to the crown court against a decision of a magistrates' court.

Licence-holders may at any time apply to us to vary the terms, conditions or restrictions in their licence.

If we refuse this request, or if the licence is revoked, the licence-holder may appeal within 21 days of being notified to the local magistrates' court.

Consumer complaint

If you wish to make a complaint, you should contact the trader directly first - preferably in the form a letter (with proof of delivery). If that doesn't work, if you're in the UK, GOV.UK gives advice on your consumer rights. From outside the UK, contact the UK European Consumer Centre.

Other redress

Please contact us and ask for the licensing team in the first instance.

If you wish to object to an application for the grant, renewal or transfer of a licence, you must give us written notice within 28 days of the application date. This should state the grounds of the objection. 


Contact details


Waltham Forest Licensing Section

Resident Services
Town Hall
Fellowship Square
Forest Road
E17 4JF