Last updated: 24 May 2024

Next review: 24 May 2025

Cllr Grace Williams: Leader

Cllr Grace Williams

Responsibilities and portfolios

  • Mission Waltham Forest
  • Transformation 
  • Strategy and Policy
  • Equalities 
  • Risk Management and Improvement
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Communications
  • Public Affairs
  • Refugees

View Cllr Grace Williams's profile

Cllr Clyde Loakes: Deputy Leader and Climate and Air Quality

Cllr Clyde Loakes

Responsibilities and portfolios

  • Climate Action Plan and Behaviour Change
  • The Hive
  • Waste and Recycling
  • Transport
  • Parking
  • Traffic
  • Flood Resilience
  • Biodiversity
  • Street Cleansing and Fly-tipping
  • Parks Management 
  • Emergency Planning

View Cllr Clyde Loakes's profile

Cllr Ahsan Khan: Deputy Leader and Housing and Regeneration

Cllr Ahsan Khan

Responsibilities and portfolios

  • Waltham Forest Housing
  • Private housing
  • Homelessness
  • Housing Strategy
  • Regeneration and planning
  • Housing Associations and registered providers
  • Corporate Assets
  • Families in Housing Need Programme
  • Families and Homes Hub
  • Planning Enforcement

View Cllr Ahsan Khan's profile

Cllr Naheed Asghar: Inclusive Economy

Cllr Naheed Asghar

Responsibilities and portfolios

  • Jobs
  • Businesses
  • Training, Skills and Adult Education
  • University of Portsmouth
  • Violence Against Women and Girls 

View Cllr Naheed Asghar's profile

Cllr Vicky Ashworth: Stronger Communities

Cllr Vicky Ashworth

Responsibilities and portfolios

  • Early Help
  • Resident Experience
  • Welcome Hubs
  • Community Assets
  • Communities, Participation, and Engagement
  • Voluntary Community Sector
  • Digital, Data and Technology
  • Digital Inclusion
  • Strategic Commissioning function
  • Public Health approach to early intervention 
  • Poverty Reduction - food, fuel etc

View Cllr Vicky Ashworth's profile

Cllr Paul Douglas: Finance and Resources

Cllr Paul Douglas

Responsibilities and portfolios

  • Human Resources
  • Finance and Budget
  • Revenues and Benefits
  • Performance and Complaints
  • Commercial Operations
  • Traded Services (including Service Store)
  • Democracy and Councillor Support
  • Procurement

View Cllr Paul Douglas's profile

Cllr Khevyn Limbajee: Community Safety

Cllr Khevyn Limbajee

Responsibilities and portfolios

  • Safety and Crime
  • Relationship with the Police
  • Relationship with the Fire Service
  • Environmental Health and Trading Standards
  • Anti-Social Behaviour
  • Anti-Gangs
  • Regulation
  • Property Licensing

View Cllr Khevyn Limbajee's profile

Cllr Kizzy Gardiner: Children and Young People

Cllr Kizzy Gardiner

Responsibilities and portfolios

  • Children’s Social Care
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 
  • Supporting Families Programme
  • Youth Offending Service
  • Youth and Family Resilience
  • Youth Engagement
  • Family Hubs
  • Schools and Education
  • Early Years, and Childcare 
  • Placement Planning 
  • Children and Young People Strategic Commissioning Intentions and Impact 


View Cllr Kizzy Gardiner

Cllr Louise Mitchell: Adults and Health

Cllr Louise Mitchell

Responsibilities and portfolios

  • Adult Social Care
  • Public Health Function
  • Wellbeing and Independence
  • Quality Assurance
  • Health and Wellbeing Strategy
  • Integrated Care System
  • Whipps Cross Development
  • Tackling Loneliness
  • Adult Strategic Commissioning Intentions and Impact 

View Cllr Louise Mitchell's profile

Cllr Rosalind Doré: Libraries, Culture and Sports and Leisure

Cllr Rosalind Doré

Responsibilities and portfolios

  • Cultural Programme and Development
  • Libraries
  • Sports and Leisure 
  • Participation in Parks 
  • Working with Cultural Institutions
  • Fellowship Square
  • Destinations
  • Civic Events

View Cllr Rosalind Doré's profile

Exercise of executive powers

1. Except where specifically provided for in the Constitution, or a decision has been taken by myself or by Cabinet to delegate a decision in a particular matter to a specified individual or body, the following general arrangements shall apply in respect of matters which, under the Constitution are defined as key decisions:

  • Except where paragraph (b) applies, all key decisions shall be taken collectively by Cabinet;
  • Where a key decision relates only to a matter within a single Portfolio holder’s area of responsibility and/or has only a minimal impact on another executive portfolio in the view of the Director of Governance and Law (or his/her representative), the decision may be taken by the relevant Portfolio holder, subject to the Director of Governance and Law being satisfied as to the following:

i.          that appropriate consultation has been undertaken on the matter concerned;

ii.         that all relevant matters are set out in a report that is considered by the Portfolio-Holder; and

iii.        a proper record is published of the Portfolio Holder’s decision.

2. I confirm the delegation of executive powers to officers as set out in:

  • The General Scheme of Delegation;
  • The Council’s Constitution; and
  • As set out in item 9 of this agenda.

and that all officers with delegated powers may in turn delegate those powers to other officers in accordance with the Council’s Constitution and legislation.

3. As executive leader, I reserve my statutory powers to make different arrangements for the discharge of executive functions to those set out above where this is desirable or necessary in the circumstances and following the receipt of legal advice, where appropriate.

Councillor Grace Williams

Leader of the council