Who we are and what we do

Waltham Forest Holiday Activity and Food Programme is funded by the Department for Education to enable children and young people to enjoy fun activities, make new friends, and learn and develop new skills during Easter, Summer, and Winter Holidays. 

This Privacy Notice covers specific responsibilities and work of Waltham Forest Holiday Activity and Food Programme in partnership with Eequ (Booking system providers)   relating to personal data which is collected from parents via the booking system to ensure the smooth running of the programme provided. 

Information we hold about you

To provide the activities to children and young people, it is necessary to collect and hold personal information about you and your child/ren.  This information will include: 

  • Full name of child
  • DOB/age
  • Eligible for benefits (Free School Meals - FSM etc.)
  • Home Address
  • School
  • Gender
  • Any health or other needs related to help keep children safe

Eequ will collect personal data from providers and families to ensure the smooth running of the programme. Waltham Forest and Eequ will handle personal data in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act 2018 and other relevant legislation and will not disclose your data to any other third party, unless allowed or required to do so by legislation. For further details about the processing of your personal data please see the council’s Data Protection web page and Eequ’s Privacy Policy Eequ Privacy Policy

Why we need your information and how we use it?

We will collect information about you (where applicable) to:

  • Determine the eligibility of children for the Holiday Activity Fund (HAF).
  • Connect parents and providers in high-risk groups to connect to support children so they have a high-quality activity with food over the school holidays.
  • Share any medical or personal data (e.g. food allergies, additional needs) to help keep children safe.
  • Coordinate an effective response to a holiday activity fund (HAF) from the council and the wider community.
  • To contact you with service updates relating to the Holiday Activity Fund.

The Lawful basis for the processing

This information processing is considered to be part of London Borough of Waltham Forest Council’s public task and consent. The processing and sharing of personal data in this way is required for the purpose of coordinating the HAF programme effectively, as outlined in the Department for Education (DfE) HAF guidance:

Department for Education HAF guidance 

If you have any queries about the use of your data or would like to withdraw your consent at anytime, please email: privacy@eequ.org

Who your information will be shared with (if applicable)

We may share your information with partner organisations, including:

  • Activity Providers where parents have signed their child up to complete an activity.
  • Council, voluntary and community groups to provide the support required.
  • Anonymised data will be shared with the Department for Education for the purpose of submitting Holiday Activity Fund (HAF) return which is a requirement of the funding received by London Borough of Waltham Forest.

We will not normally share your information with organisations other than our partner organisations without your consent, however, there may be certain circumstances where we would share without consent such as where we are required to do so by law, to safeguard public safety, and in risk of harm or emergency situations. Any information which is shared will only be shared on a need to know basis, with appropriate individuals.  Only the minimum information for the purpose will be shared.

How long we keep your information

We will only retain your personal HAF data for as long as reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of managing your HAF booking needs or DfE reporting requirements. We will retain your personal HAF data so that you can book future activities without the need to re-enter information. Data collected for the HAF programme during checkout will be kept until the Termination of the Data Processing Agreement in place with Eequ. 

Eequ's Privacy Policy details how Eequ may retain your personal data for the purpose of using the booking platform for other non-HAF activities: Eequ Privacy Policy 

All information will be held securely and destroyed under confidential conditions.