Each year, the council elects a councillor to serve as Mayor for twelve months.

The Mayor is the borough's civic and ceremonial head for a year and during that time acts as chair of full council meetings.

The Mayor represents Waltham Forest at public, civic and ceremonial events. The Mayor's role extends to include events and organisations that support the community. The Mayor also entertains guests in the Mayor's parlour for both formal and informal events.

Together with the King’s representative, the deputy lieutenant, the Mayor receives members of the royal family and VIPs during official visits to the area.

Cllr Sharon Waldron Mayor

On 23 May 2024, Councillor Sharon Waldron was elected Mayor for the civic year 2024/2025. The Mayor’s sister Sandra Rigobert will be her Consort.

The Mayor's charity appeal

In 2024 to 2025, the Mayor will fundraise in support of the Waltham Forest Dementia Hub and the Waltham Forest Dyslexia Society. The mayor will continue her efforts to raise awareness and support for dementia and neurodiversity.

Cllr Sharon Waldron explained

“As Mayor, I am deeply committed to supporting individuals and families affected by dementia. Having witnessed firsthand the profound impact of this condition on my own mother and our family, I understand the challenges and struggles faced by those living with dementia and their loved ones. My personal experience has fuelled my determination to raise awareness and funds for dementia charities, which play a vital role in providing support, resources, and services to those affected by this debilitating condition”.

“I received my diagnosis of dyslexia, dyscalculia, and dyspraxia during a postgraduate course. It was a significant moment, both in terms of understanding myself better and realising the challenges I've faced were not due to any personal shortcomings but rather to the lack of support and awareness. Despite these obstacles, I pursued higher education and professional success. My Consort also has dyslexia and has also faced the same challenges with her education and professional career, which prompted her to publish a book about her own experiences.

“Therefore, it will come as no surprise that I would like to highlight the work of organisations like the Waltham Forest Dementia Hub and the Waltham Forest Dyslexia Society. Education and awareness are key components in breaking down misconceptions and fostering a more inclusive society. Your support has the potential to make a real difference in the lives of countless individuals.”

“I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to meet many of you and to revel in the finest aspects of what Waltham Forest has to offer throughout my term as Mayor.”

You can make a donation using the button below:

Invite the Mayor to your event

The Mayor is eager to support appropriate public events, so to invite him, please complete and return:

The Mayor's office


Waltham Forest Town Hall

Postal address only
Waltham Forest Town Hall
Forest Road
E17 4JF


If staff members are unavailable for any reason at 020 8496 4399, you may leave a telephone message.  Phone messages will usually be answered within one working day, or the next working day if left after 5.30pm or over the weekend.