Last updated: 29 July 2024

Next review: 17 January 2025

Single Person Discount Entitlement checks

The London Borough of Waltham Forest Council will regularly review the award to all households within Waltham Forest claiming single person discount on their Council Tax account.  

We regularly carry out eligibility checks to ensure that awards are correct and accurate and to prevent and detect fraudulent claims.

You should only complete an online discount review form if you receive a review or reminder letter from us in relation to our Single Person Discount Review.

How do we check eligibility?

  • We will identify those accounts in receipt of a Single Person Discount.
  • We will carry out data matching exercises and residency checks with our external partners such as CIFAS, Experian and NFI
  • We may also check with other departments within the council
  • We will write to you for additional information
  • We may need to contact you to verify any information provided
  • Council Tax discounts may be removed retrospectively if you do not respond within 14 days to our letters.

We have put together some frequently asked questions regarding the Single Person Discount checks.

Frequently asked questions: Single Person Discount Review

Why have I been sent this review letter?

The London Borough of Waltham Forest Council regularly reviews the circumstances of people who are claiming a single person discount. Reviews are carried out annually to ensure that a single person discount is still appropriate.

You will need to complete the single person discount form online

Alternatively, if you are unable to go online, you can complete the paper version of this form sign it, and post it to:

London Borough of Waltham Forest, Revenues and Benefits Service, PO Box 856, London E17 9PN.

Please ensure that you quote your Council Tax reference number on any correspondence and ensure that it is returned within the 14 days deadline on the letter.

The online form or paper version of the form must be returned by the requested date outlined in the review letter to prevent the removal of your single person discount.

What happens if I don’t respond to the review letter?

We will assume that your situation has changed and will remove your single person discount. If we remove the discount because we have had no response, we will remove it from the beginning of the last billing year or even earlier (depending on when we last verified your entitlement to a single person discount).  This would result in you getting an adjustment bill for outstanding Council Tax.

What happens if there is more than one adult living at the property?

We will assume that your situation has changed and will remove your single person discount. If we remove the discount because we have had no response, we will remove it from the beginning of the last billing year or even earlier (depending on when we last verified your entitlement to a single person discount).  This would result in you getting an adjustment bill for outstanding Council Tax.

Please provide the name, date of birth and the date each adult moved into your property along with their previous address. You will need to complete the single person discount form online

What happens if I have a student living at the property?

This may mean you are not entitled to a single person discount. You may however be entitled to a different discount related to the student’s status if they fulfil one of the classes of student below:

  • A student who is under 20 studying for a qualification up to A level -  the student must be studying at a recognised institution and the course they are undertaking must:
  1. Last at least 3 months.
  2. Involve at least 12 hours a week of course related activity.
  • Other full-time students -  To count as a full-time student the course must be undertaken at recognised educational establishment and:
  1. Last at least 1 year.
  2. Require the student to undertake study, tuition or work experience at a university or college, for at least 24 weeks per year.
  3. involve at least 21 hours study per week.

If you wish to apply for a discount/exemption you can start your application online.

When you apply, please upload the student certificate, and the learning agreement or letter from the school or college to confirm the start and end date of the course and the hours of study.

When you apply, please upload the student certificate/s showing the details of the course.

If you are entitled to a discount for the student, you will receive a revised bill confirming this.

Am I entitled to a different discount or exemption?

You should only complete an online discount review form if you receive a review or reminder letter from us in relation to our Single Person Discount Review.

Find out more about the various discounts and exemptions 

If you feel you are entitled to a different discount or exemption you can start your application online

What credit information do you hold on me?

We don’t hold any credit information on you, if you want to see your credit file, please contact one of the major credit reference agencies below:

What should I do if someone is using my address for correspondence only?

Complete the online form or paper version of the form and include their name and full residential address, this will then be verified.

I have already informed the Council of a change in circumstances. Do I need to complete the form?

Yes, complete the online form or paper version of the form and include all the details of your current situation.

I receive mail for previous occupants, what should I do about this?

You need to write on the envelope that the person no longer lives at the address and return it to the sender, and we will investigate.

A friend stays with me 3 or 4 nights a week, does this mean that I am no longer eligible?

If your friend keeps their belongings at your house, then your address could be classed as their main residence, therefore you are no longer eligible for the single person discount:

  • Who does your friend stay with the other 3 nights a week? If they stay at various addresses your address will still be classed as their main address. Please complete the online form or paper version of the form.
  • Any other reason, please provide an explanation of your current situation. Please complete the online form or paper version of the form.

What should I do if my circumstances are not covered in the examples above?

You should still complete the online form or the paper version of the form. We will contact you if we require any further information.

For further details of our privacy notice visit our privacy notice page

Fraudulent claim of Single Persons Discount

The council has zero tolerance for fraud and will take action against people who commit fraud against the council.

By claiming single persons discount when you are not entitled to claim it, you will be committing fraud which could lead to an investigation by the councils Corporate Anti-Fraud Team who are responsible for conducting investigation into all types of fraud on behalf of the council.

Possible outcomes of an investigation include overpayments to recover the loss to the council on the wrongly paid discount, a caution (similar to a police caution), or prosecution.

Reporting a suspicion of Single Persons Discount fraud

If you have a suspicion that someone is incorrectly claiming single persons discount, then you can report it to the Corporate Anti-Fraud.

To report fraud anonymously, please call 0300 003 1099 8

Send an email to, or report a fraud online

Fair Processing of information

Waltham Forest Council is required by law to protect the public funds it distributes. We may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, law enforcement agencies, or undertake local anti-fraud initiatives, to prevent and detect fraud or money laundering. Further details of how your information will be used by us and these fraud prevention agencies, and your data protection rights, can be found on our fair processing of information webpage.