We regularly review all empty homes and second homes in the borough to make sure the information we hold is accurate and up to date. The review involves us writing to the customer liable for council tax asking them to confirm whether the property is occupied or not.  The Council has a legal duty to maintain accurate records for the billing and collection of Council Tax.

If you receive a review letter, it is important that you respond as quickly as you can and by the date given.  The easiest way to respond is to complete our secure online form and attach electronic versions of any evidence required.

Frequently asked questions: Empty homes Review

What happens if my property circumstances have not changed?

Complete the online form to confirm there are no changes in your property circumstances.

What happens if there has been a change in my circumstances, for example, my property is now sold or I now have tenants residing in the property?

Tell us about the changes on the form. Complete the online form and include the changes in your property circumstances. You can also attach any evidence required.

What happens if I am carrying out major works on my property or my property is uninhabitable?

Tell us what is happening so we can update our records. The Council does not offer any discounts or exemptions if you are carrying out major works or if your property is uninhabitable, however, you will still need to complete the online form and include the changes in your property circumstances. You can also attach any evidence required.

Will my property be considered uninhabitable if there are major works/refurbishments being carried out?

No, your property will not be considered to be uninhabitable if there are major works/refurbishments being carried out.

Am I entitled to a discount or exemption?

The Council does not offer any discounts or exemptions if your property is empty and furnished or empty and unfurnished.

Find out more about Empty homes

How can I bring my empty property back into use?

We can offer you help and advice regarding bringing your empty property back into use.

Fair Processing of information

Waltham Forest Council is required by law to protect the public funds it distributes. We may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds, law enforcement agencies, or undertake local anti-fraud initiatives, to prevent and detect fraud or money laundering. Further details of how your information will be used by us and these fraud prevention agencies, and your data protection rights, can be found on our fair processing of information webpage.