Last updated: 18 January 2024

Next review: 18 January 2025

Council Tax Support

If you're on a low income or get some state benefits, you could get help to pay for Council Tax with Council Tax Support.

Help with budgeting

For advice and guidance on budgeting, there are many independent organisations that can help you to manage your money: 

  • The Money Advice Service can assist you to develop a personal spending plan. They also give advice on bank accounts and other financial products.

  • The National Debtline is a debt charity that offers free impartial advice with instant recommendations based on your circumstances.

  • Citizens Advice Waltham Forest - You can call the advice line on 0808 278 7838. Citizen advice can help with debt problems and support residents who are worried that they may be about to get into debt and want help to prevent it.

Policies and documents

Our Council tax collection and recovery policy (PDF) describes how we collect the council tax we're owed.