Flourish (post-natal support group), Chingford

Baby sleeping, wrapped up in a cloth.
Next up:
1 July 2024
How often:
Every Monday
10am to 12pm
Chingford Family Hub, Wyemead Centre, 5 Oaks Grove, Chingford, E4 6EY
Invitation only
Filed under:
Family Hub

Please note: This session is invite only.

A support group for mothers who are finding the transition into motherhood not to be as they expected.

A chance to talk and share with other mothers feeling the same and learn to have fun with their baby.

This session runs weekly, term time only.

For more information email familysupport@tlpcc.org.uk

This is a Best Start in Life weekly session. When you see Brave Bilkis you can expect a session to help parents and children who may be having a difficult time.