London Living Wage Webinar

Photo of a laptop showing a webinar, next to a mug
10 July 2024
9am to 10:30am
Free, booking required
Filed under:
Jobs and careers

Are you an employer in Waltham Forest looking to make a positive impact on your employees' lives while also enhancing your company's reputation? Join our informative online event to learn how to become accredited with the London Living Wage. This accreditation not only demonstrates your commitment to fair pay but also sets you apart as a socially responsible employer.

During this session, you'll hear from experts who have successfully implemented the London Living Wage and discover the benefits it brings to both employees and businesses. Learn about the accreditation process, understand the criteria, and find out how to build a compelling business case for your organisation.

Key Topics Covered:

  • The benefits of paying the London Living Wage for employers and employees
  • The process for achieving accreditation
  • The impact on employee morale, retention, and productivity
  • Case studies from London-based employers
  • Tips for overcoming challenges in adopting the Living Wage

Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to become a London Living Wage accredited employer. Register now to take the first step towards creating a more equitable and rewarding workplace.