Stay and Play time at Hale End Library

Two children are playing with toys on the floor.
Next up:
3 July 2024
How often:
Every Wednesday
11am to 12pm
Hale End Library, Castle Avenue, London, E4 9QD
Free, booking required
Filed under:
Libraries, Family Hub

Play is the basis of almost all learning in early childhood. Decades of research by professionals show us that play is an essential part of a child’s development.

We must provide our children with time for both structured and unstructured play. This is how gross motor skills, fine motor skills, social and emotional skills, and life skills develop from a young age.

Come join us at Hale End Library and have fun playing with various toys every Tuesday.

Age: Under 5s

For more information, you can message us at:

Libraries Facebook page or Libraries Instagram or email us. 

This is a Best Start in Life weekly session. When you see Curious Carina you can expect play and learning sessions to support your child’s learning and development.