Stay and Play at Walthamstow library

Two children are playing with toys on the floor.
Next up:
1 July 2024
How often:
Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
12pm to 1pm
Walthamstow Library, High Street, London, E17 7JN
Free, just turn up
Filed under:
Libraries, Family Hub

Tiny Tots Stay and Play at Walthamstow Library

Every: Monday to Friday between 12 noon and 1pm

Suitable for Under 5's

Come to Walthamstow Library and head on over to the children's area

It's a great place to meet others with children of a similar age and for children to socialise and play.

Be sure to keep an eye out for our upcoming events.

Are you excited? I know we are!

If you haven't already, give us a follow on Libraries Facebook, and Libraries Instagram pages or email Eventbrite.

This is a Best Start in Life weekly session. When you see Curious Carina you can expect play and learning sessions that will support your child’s learning and development.