London Borough of Waltham Forest Chit Chat Pitter Pat is a virtual home learning project for under 5’s.

Chit Chat Pitter Pat empowers and inspires families to have meaningful home learning experiences and supports schools and early years provisions in encouraging and advocating the benefit of these experiences.

To get involved and start learning, you can join Chit Chat Pitter Pat on Facebook or Instagram!

Chit Chat Pitter Pat has weekly Learning Together Activity Cards created by Early Years Advisory Teachers with simple, meaningful activities families can do at home together. Including useful hints and tips on how to help children with these activities, what they like to do and how they like to learn - with handy, practical videos to show how they can be done.

Learning Together Activity Cards 

Chit Chat Pitter Pat’s Virtual Storytime Project

Two resident story tellers brought vibrant stories to life with amazing expression, actions, and singalongs. Individual and community stories were shared celebrating the diversity, home languages and families .