Last updated: 20 November 2024

Next review: 7 February 2025

David Reece Voice and Influence Service Participation Officer

The focus of my role is to work directly with young people in care (under 18s) to understand their experience of the care system. As part of my role I manage our Under12s participation group and our 12 to 17 group the Children in Care Council. I also manage our young person-led training group who deliver the In My Shoes training to staff. I am also responsible for the recruitment of new young people into the groups!

Fun fact: I love me a bit of DIY and have built a range of furniture like tables and chairs!

David Reece

David Reece Leaving Care Champion

The focus of my role is to work directly with our population of care leavers (18-25) to understand their experience of the Leaving Care Service. As part of that, I manage our Care Champions, participation group. I co-ordinate our care-leavers led training of staff and I'm responsible for the recruitment of new care leavers into these groups. I also work with the Leaving Care Service to organise a range of activities & workshops for care leavers to access over the course of the year.

Fun Fact: I create 360* virtual tours of buildings and supercars in my spare time.

You can also contact the team via our service email account at

If you contact us, we’ll get back to you within 3-5 working days

David Reece

Opening times

Monday: 9am to 5pm Tuesday: 9am to 5pm Wednesday: 9am to 5pm Thursday: 9am to 5pm Friday: 9am to 5pm

Got something to say? We want to hear from you!

You can:

  • Tell us about your care services
  • Give us your ideas for improving services
  • Ask us a question about what we do
  • Tell us you’re interested in joining the Children in Care Council or Care Champions

Or anything else you’d like to tell us about your care.

Text / WhatsApp us, and we’ll get back to you within 3-5 working days.