Last updated: 27 August 2024

Woman smiling widely at the camera during the Walkinstow event in Walthamstow for World Car Free Day 2019

Adding more movement into your life doesn't need to be a stretch. Here's some easy or alternative ways to add more to your life:

Easy wins

Not all of us are naturally sporty and it can be hard to know where to begin.

Start small by finding easy ways to fit more activity into your daily life and build up from there. For example:

  • stand rather than sit when you can, like on train or bus journeys, or try getting off the bus a stop or two early and walking the rest of the way
  • take the stairs instead of the lift or walk up escalators when you get the chance
  • try making the school run a school walk or school cycle a few times a week
  • get off the bus a stop early to add a few minutes' walk to your journey 
  • if you have to drive somewhere, park a little further away than you need to – even just the far end of the car park adds a little extra activity

Building a routine

Every bit of extra movement you do matters, no matter how big or small. The more you do, the more you benefit.

That's why finding a way to make lasting changes and increase your activity levels in the long term can make a real difference to your life.

Here are six ways you can make a routine of being active:

  1. Find something you enjoy. You're far more likely to stick with something if you enjoy it. Give one of the exercise plans below a go, or try searching for an online programme.
  2. Track your progress. Whether it's steps, distance or active minutes, setting a daily target and hitting it will feel great! Tracking apps – like Active 10 or a health app on your phone – can help, but even just a checklist on a piece of paper will do.
  3. Go from strength to strength. Strength-building activities – like carrying heavy grocery bags, or an online pilates or strength workout video – help keep muscles, joints and bones strong. Aim to do this at least twice a week.
  4. Do it with somebody else. If your friends and family want to be more active too, try engaging everyone's competitive side with challenges like seeing who can do the most steps or cover the most distance in a day.
  5. Get into a good habit. Set a reminder (you could use the alarm or timer on your phone) to get up and move every 30 minutes during the day. Try stretching during TV ad breaks or pacing around the kitchen while the kettle's boiling.
  6. Reward yourself. Set yourself activity goals and rewards. You could go for a long walk then treat yourself to an episode of your favourite TV show.

Read more NHS tips for increasing activity in daily life. 

Alternative ways to move

  • Mind have created these mindfulness exercises to look after your physical and mental health
  • 5 Ways of Wellbeing: five steps we can all take to boost our personal well-being and prevent mental health problems, especially during difficult times