Last updated: 20 May 2024

Next review: 20 May 2025

This content is part of the Waltham Forest JSNA. To see other JSNA content, visit the JSNA landing page

The 2021 Census was the first to ask about the respondent’s sexual orientation. The question was voluntary and only asked of those aged 16 and over. 9.5% of people in London and Waltham Forest, and 7.5% of people nationally chose not to answer the question.  

In Waltham Forest, around 10,000 people aged 16 and over (4.5%) identified with a “gay or lesbian”, “bisexual” or “other sexual orientation” (collectively termed LGB+).  

Sexual orientation is an umbrella term covering sexual identity, attraction, and behaviour. This means the statistics should be interpreted purely as showing how people responded to the question, rather than being about whom they are attracted to or their actual relationships. 

London had the highest proportion of people who identified with a LGB+ orientation (“gay or lesbian”, “bisexual”, or “other sexual orientation) of all regions. Seven of the local authorities in the top 10 with the largest LGB+ population were in London. [1]  

 Waltham Forest ranked 13th highest in London and 31st highest in the country in terms of the proportion of the population who identify as LGB+.  

Chart for Population aged 16 and over by sexual orientation

Source: Office for National Statistics – Census 2021 Data Date accessed: 09 March 2023 

In Waltham Forest, around 5,000 people aged 16 and over identified as gay or lesbian (2.3%); 3,600 identified as bisexual (1.6%); and 1,400 said their sexual orientation is best described as “other sexual orientation” (0.6%). Of the 1,400 people who responded with “other sexual orientation”, majority described their sexual orientation as “pansexual” (976 people); 208 people described as “queer” and 122 as “asexual”.  

Chart for GB + population aged 16+ by sexual orientation

Source: Office for National Statistics – Census 2021 Data Date accessed: 09 March 2023 


[1] Office for National Statistics. Sexual orientation, England and Wales: Census 2021. Date accessed: 16 May 2023.