Last updated: 10 July 2024

Next review: 10 January 2025



Orford Road 81
E17 9QS

HEET is a not-for-profit organisation working in the London boroughs of Waltham Forest and Enfield. They help households save money on fuel bills, stay warm and healthy at home, save energy, and cut carbon emissions. 

For eligible Waltham Forest residents they provide: 

  • Free energy energy saving advice, help with energy bills and fuel debt 
  • Home energy
  • Efficiency improvements and repairs
  • Referrals for grants for ledger energy efficiency measures where suitable
  • Advocacy for tenants around cold and damp homes.

Referral and eligibility

Residents can refer themselves into this service, however, to be eligible, residents must either: 

  • Be in receipt of benefits
  • Be on a low income (low wage, state pension only, tax credits)
  • Have a long term illness or disability.

Referrals can be made via phone or by visiting the website.

This service is suitable for

Older people, people with a low income, people with a long term illness or disability.