Last updated: 28 May 2024

Next review: 28 November 2024

Idea Space is a not for profit arts organisation based in E11.

Idea Space builds artistic skills and confidence in a supportive environment and encourages the process of learning through creative exploration and collaboration. They believe that creativity enriches lives and is for everyone to engage, they see art and creativity as having the potential to have a positive impact on people’s lives and helps us to understand each other better through shared experiences.

They achieve this through:

  • Offering accessible workshops in familiar community settings, public realms, and schools.
  • Integrated into the curriculum and after school, led by artists, creatives, and educators. 
  • Encouraging everyone to get involved by sharing and speaking about their creative work and experiences. 
  • Develop collaborative links with cultural organisations and industry professionals.

Digital Art Workshops by Idea Space

Join for free beginner sessions to learn to create digital art.

These relaxed artist-led workshops for adults help you learn new creative skills in digital art. 

All equipment is provided.

Referral and eligibility

Book in advance by emailing:

Anyone interested in digital arts can attend, no experience is needed.


Various times, enquire for more information