Last updated: 4 April 2024

Next review: 13 September 2024

Concerns have been raised about the increase in unauthorised parking by non-residents on council housing estates. In response to residents’ concerns we are proposing to implement permit parking controls. In April 2021, Cabinet approved a Housing Parking Policy on estates, meaning we can introduce permit parking schemes where residents want them.

The introduction of a parking permit scheme requires the majority of responses from residents to be in favour. If residents vote against permit parking, then we will not implement it.

However, regardless of the outcome of the parking permit scheme consultation, in some areas we will still need to put parking restrictions in place, such as double yellow lines, to keep access roads clear for emergency vehicles. We’ll publish more details on this page over the coming months.

Please see information on permit parking schemes, including the cost of permits.

Latest news on Estate Parking Permit Schemes

Residents voted in favour of permit or controlled parking, these are now live on the following estates:

  • St Margaret’s Court and St Columba Court 
  • Titley Close
  • Burrell and Rayner Towers (including Wenlock Mews)
  • Priory Court Estate
  • The Avenue Estate
  • Winsbeach Estate
  • Alexandra Road / Herbert Road Estate area
  • Beechwood Drive / Chingford Lane Estate
  • Reynolds Court / Neville Close Estate

If you are a resident and want to apply for a parking permit please visit our parking permits webpage.

Residents voted against parking controls, therefore we will not be proceeding on the following estates:

  • The Ridgeway Estate
  • Westbury Road 
  • Aldriche Way 
  • Arkley Estate
  • Raglan Road Estate
  • Moresby House 
  • Lowton Lodge
  • Weir Court / Waterfield House 

The next estate parking permit schemes to be implemented will be:

  • Western Road (small parking area): Consultation on estate car parking is now complete, residents voted in favour of permit parking, we plan to begin implementation in September 2023. 

Potential parking schemes under review:

  • Acacia Road, Lancaster Road, Sansom Road Estate areas: Resident consultation on estate car parking is now complete, however a further review is required. We will advise you of the outcome in October 2023.
  • Stocksfield Road Estate: Resident consultation on estate car parking is now complete, we are now working through the legal process before implementation. We will advise you of the outcome in October 2023.  
  • North Birkbeck Road: Resident consultation on estate car parking is now complete, however a further review is required. We will advise you of the outcome in October 2023. 
  • Wingfield Road Estate: Consultation on estate car parking is now complete, we are currently reviewing the data received and will advise you of the outcome in September 2023.
  • Cherry Close: Consultation on estate car parking is now complete, we are currently reviewing the data received and will advise you of the outcome in September 2023.

What's next for parking controls

In 2023 we will be consulting with residents on many of our estates about parking controls, including parking permits and double yellow lines. The following estates are being consulted / planned: 

Currently underway 

  • 315 Hoe Street 
  • Bisterne Avenue 
  • Lucerne Grove
  • Bakers Almshouses 
  • Exmouth Road 
  • 2 - 24 Manning Road 
  • Elmsdale Road 

For further information and support, please get in touch by emailing us, remember to include your address and the name of your estate.

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