Worried about becoming homeless
Last updated: 7 October 2024
Next review: 7 October 2025
Cedar Wood House is closed to the public.
We are delivering our services online. Should a resident require a face to face interview, this can be arranged virtually using either Microsoft Teams or via Zoom. Both apps can be downloaded to a smartphone, if however, you are unable to do this we can arrange for you to visit a library and use the facilities there.
- For homelessness issues please contact 020 8496 3000
If you feel you're at risk of becoming homeless, please don't wait until you have nowhere to stay. Our guidance and advice is specific to your personal situation.
Get housing advice now
Please use our online form to get help straight away. All you need to do is answer a few questions about your current situation and you’ll receive advice on your housing options and what to do next.
We can help prevent homelessness
We can help you in lots of situations that could potentially put you at risk of becoming homeless. These include, but are not exclusive to:
- your landlord, friends, or family members you live with asking you to leave
- rent or mortgage arrears
- discrimination, harassment, and illegal eviction
- relationship breakdown
- Housing Benefit issues
- domestic violence issues
Are you entitled to help
English law says that every eligible person at risk of homelessness is entitled to 56 days of help from their council to prevent them from becoming homeless. The law that states this is the Homeless Reduction Act (2017), which was introduced in April 2018.
If you're at risk of homelessness and not subject to immigration control, you are automatically entitled to this help.
Help you will receive
A Housing Options and Prevention Officer will assess your circumstances and support needs, then offer advice on how to remain in your current home or find alternative accommodation before you become homeless.