Last updated: 27 September 2024

Next review: 27 September 2025

We are committed to nurturing local talent. We know that as a local resident, you know the borough better than anyone else and are in the best position to provide services that work for our residents.

For this reason, we operate a local recruitment campaign for the LGGP. This means that as a candidate with a connection to the borough, you can opt to go down the local route. This guarantees you an interview with us if you are successful in getting through the first three stages of the usual recruitment process. Please note that you cannot apply to both the local and national schemes in the same round of LGGP recruitment.

To be considered as a local candidate, you must clearly demonstrate a connection to the borough and meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • You must currently live in the borough and/or:
  • Your parents’ address must be in the borough. For example, if you are at university elsewhere and don’t currently have a Waltham Forest address.

As a local candidate, you will also have access to additional support from Waltham Forest Council throughout the process.

If you have any questions about how this works, please visit the LGGP’s website, or email us at