What is MARAC?

MARAC is a monthly meeting where professionals share information on high risk cases of domestic violence and abuse.

The MARAC aims to:

  • share information to help protect victims/survivors, adults and their children
  • determine whether the alleged perpetrator poses a major risk to any individual or to the general community
  • construct a risk management plan that provides professional support for all at risk and reduces harm
  • reduce repeat victimisation
  • improve agency accountability
  • improve support for staff involved in high-risk domestic abuse cases

SafeLives (previously known as CAADA) provides general information on MARACs and quality assures MARACs nationwide.

MARAC referrals

Make a MARAC referral

There are currently four criteria for referring a case to MARAC:

  • Visible high risk
  • Professional judgment
  • Potential escalation
  • Repeat cases

MARAC meetings are held monthly and are attended by professionals only.

If you're a practitioner and want more information, contact Waltham Forest MARAC Team. Telephone: 07789 480 655 or email: JCMailbox-.MARAC@met.pnn.police.uk (secure email)