Last updated: 1 February 2024

Next review: 1 February 2025

Graffiti is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface without permission and in public view. 

Graffiti offences carry a fixed penalty charge of £300, reduced to £200 as an early payment incentive if it is paid within two weeks. It is a criminal offence that can lead to a large fine by the magistrates’ court. 

You can report graffiti anonymously.

What we can help with

Offensive or racist graffiti

We will remove offensive or racist graffiti from:

  • council owned buildings within one working day of it being reported
  • street furniture within one working day of it being reported
  • private buildings once the owner's permission is received

All other graffiti

The council is responsible for removing graffiti from public buildings, street furniture or monuments. We will do this within 7 working days.

Private premises

It is the property owners responsibility to keep their property clear of graffiti and fly-posting.

We can issue a “defacement removal notice' to the property owner. This requires them to remove the graffiti within 28 days. If they fail to do so, we can remove it ourselves and will charge the property owner for this work.

We may remove graffiti from private homes and other private property once the owner gives their permission, subject to available resources. This will only be removed provided that it is adjacent to the public highway and safely accessible.

Graffiti on commercial premises 

Please contact the Waste Team for a quotation

Graffiti we can't help with

We can't help with graffiti on bridges and railway property.

  • Please report graffiti on bridges (road and foot) on the A406 or A12 to Transport for London on 0845 305 1234.
  • Please report graffiti on railway property that can't be accessed without trespassing to Network Rail on 0845 711 4141.

Help with completing online forms

For those without computers, you can use a self-service PC in any Waltham Forest Library

Staff there can help you to log in and create a MyAccount.