Senior officers and their positions

Chief Executive: Linzi Roberts-Egan

Deputy Chief Executive (Responsible for Stronger Communities Directorate): Shazia Hussain

Strategic Director of Children Services: Nicky Crouch

Strategic Director of Adult Services: Marc Gadsby

Strategic Director of Place: Stewart Murray (Acting: Joe Garrod)

Strategic Director of Neighbourhoods and Environment: Debbie Porter

Strategic Director of Resources: Rob Manning

Chief Executive Directorate

Chief Executive: Linzi Roberts-Egan

Corporate Director of Strategy and Change: Jonathan Lloyd

Interim Corporate Director of Communications and Campaigns: Katie Mayers

Corporate Director of Culture and Workforce Development: Lee Witham

Stronger Communities Directorate

Deputy Chief Executive: Shazia Hussain

Chief Information Officer: Simon Copsey

Corporate Director of Customer Strategy and Digital Channels: Vacant

Interim Corporate Director Digital Data and Technology: Caron Cant

Corporate Director of Destinations and Culture: Vacant

Corporate Director of Public Health: Joe McDonnell

Corporate Director of Early Help and Prevention: Laura Butterworth

Children Services Directorate

Strategic Director of Children: Nicky Crouch

Corporate Director of Children’s Social Care: Daniel Phelps

Interim Corporate Director of Education: Cheryl Eyre

Adult Services Directorate

Strategic Director of Adults: Marc Gadsby

Corporate Director of Adult Care and Quality Standards: Vacant

Place Directorate

Strategic Director of Place: Stewart Murray (Acting: Joe Garrod)

Acting Corporate Director of Property and Delivery: Philip Browne

Corporate Director of Regeneration, Planning and Delivery: Ian Rae

Corporate Director of Housing: Joe Garrod (Acting: Jane Martin) 

Neighbourhoods and Environment Directorate

Strategic Director of Neighbourhoods and Environment: Debbie Porter

Corporate Director of Community Safety and Resilience: Daniel Greaves

Corporate Director Regulatory and Contingency Planning Services: David Beach

Corporate Director of Neighbourhoods: Jarlath Griffin

Corporate Director of Climate Emergency and Behaviour Change: Luke Ravenscroft

Resources Directorate

Strategic Director of Resources: Rob Manning

Corporate Director of Internal Audit and Anti-Fraud: Gemma Young

Corporate Director of Governance and Law: Mark Hynes

Corporate Director of Return on Investment: Mark Brickell

Corporate Director of Revenues and Benefits: Nalda Russell-Stowe

Corporate Director of Financial Services: Ursula Gamble