You can register for a postal vote for future elections.

If you are registered to vote, you can choose to vote by post instead of going to your polling station on election day.

You can apply for a postal vote online.

If you can't apply online, you can email

Phone 020 8496 3000 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

How long does my postal vote last for?

You can ask for a postal vote for:

  • all elections until further notice
  • a particular election only or
  • a specific period.

If you choose the long-term option, we will write to you every three years to ask you to renew your application, as we have to ask you for a new specimen signature and confirmation of your date of birth in order to continue the arrangement.

If you move house, your postal vote will be cancelled, and you will need to complete a new application form.

Can I cancel having a postal vote?

Yes. The easiest way to do this is by email:

Email giving your full name and address, and the date from which you wish to cancel having a postal vote.

Phone 020 8496 3000 between 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Does my postal ballot paper have to be sent to my home address?

You can have your postal vote ballot paper sent wherever you wish.

However, if you want your ballot paper to be sent to an address other than the one at which you are registered to vote, you have to tell us the reason why you want us to do this.

We can refuse to send your ballot paper to the alternative address you have requested if we are not satisfied with the reason given. We will tell you if this is the case.

I made a mistake on my postal ballot paper - what do I do?

If you spoil your postal vote ballot paper, you can come to Waltham Forest Town Hall between 10am to 4pm weekdays (or until 5pm on polling day) and request a new one.

You must bring identification with you (preferably a passport), and your original ballot paper pack (if spoilt). You have to do this in person. Someone else can collect this for you if they bring your ID with them, but you need to let us know that they will be doing this.

Particularly if it is very close to polling day, you may want to complete your replacement ballot paper whilst at the Town Hall.

Contact Electoral Services


Waltham Forest Town Hall

Forest Road
E17 4JF