The law requires all young people in England to continue in education, employment, and training until they are at least 18.

Most young people will stay on in education at a 6th form or college, so our local schools and colleges provide information about your offers of education, employment, and training to the council.

If an education provider is unable to provide this statutory information, the council needs to check what you are doing to make sure that you have moved on to your chosen destination.

We find out what young people are doing through a variety of ways: telephone, text, email, social media, letter, and sometimes we even make home visits. 

It would be helpful if you let us know your up to date plans by filling in our survey.

More information

If you need information and advice or you are currently not in employment, education, or training (NEET) please visit our post 16 choices page.

How we use your data: