Snow Angels are residents who volunteer to clear snow and ice from pavements and paths in their local area. This can be done by individuals working alone or as part of a resident group. We really appreciate help with our winter gritting and snow clearance, especially in those hard to reach places.

Are you interested in becoming a Snow Angel? If so, please fill in the form below:

We'll contact you and arrange to drop off your gritting tools.  Snow Angels will receive:

  • 20kg bag of grit
  • a branded hi-visibility vest
  • protective gloves
  • snow scoop or plastic shovel

Safe gritting

There's no law stopping you from clearing snow and ice on the pavement outside your home or from other public spaces. You will not be sued or held legally responsible for injuries if the path is cleared carefully.

Follow the Snow Code, from the Met Office to help you clear ice and snow safely.