Chestnuts House

Chestnuts House is an iconic and historic Grade II* heritage building in Walthamstow.  The building has sadly fallen into disrepair over many years. It has been a longstanding ambition of the Council to bring the building back into operational use; to secure a long term future for this important heritage asset; and to enable the building’s removal from the Heritage at Risk register. 

In January 2023, Waltham Forest Council was successful in securing £17.2m of funds for its Levelling Up programme to deliver projects that unlock Walthamstow’s potential as an inclusive, safe, and welcoming cultural destination. The intention is that the investment will increase footfall in the Town Centre throughout the day and evening, widen cultural participation, generate opportunities for creative enterprise and create pathways into employment and training for residents.

The government funding will be used to deliver phased enhancements to public spaces in High Street, Hoe Street, and St James Street introducing new lighting, improved surfacing, signage, additional planting, and opportunities for public art.

The improvements to public spaces will be delivered alongside investment in Council-owned heritage buildings across the Town Centre, designed to preserve and enhance their historic character and make them more accessible to the community. The funding for Chestnuts House was awarded to create a centre for innovation and creative enterprise. 

The investment forms part of the Council’s work with residents, businesses, and stakeholders to develop Walthamstow’s cultural offer as a legacy from Waltham Forest being London’s first Borough of Culture in 2019. Building on initial engagement in 2022, the Council will continue to work with the local community on plans for Walthamstow’s Cultural Quarter through the Let’s Talk Walthamstow website. 

Read more about the Levelling Up Fund in Waltham Forest

What is happening?

The Council is using Levelling Up funds as part of its Walthamstow culture for all programme to deliver essential repair works to Chestnuts House. The works will ensure a long term sustainable future for building and will enable it to be let to an external operator. 

The proposals have been designed to ensure that the impact on the building is minimal and positive. The works will provide the appropriate balance to enhancing the condition of the building, preserving its significance, whilst also ensuring it can meet modern commercial demands. The focus will be on essential works only and this includes the following:

  • Structural remediation 
  • External repairs to the roof, rainwater goods, windows and minor repairs to brickwork
  • Electrical upgrade, including rewiring throughout

The intention is that the Council will bring the building up to a lettable condition. The operator will then undertake any fit out works. Any works to be completed by the operator will be done so in close coordination with the Council and the Conservation team, to ensure the historic character of the building is protected. 

With the Levelling Up Funding in place to support the project’s delivery and planning and listed building applications submitted, the Council has begun a marketing process for Chestnuts House to determine interest from potential occupiers and operators. The intention is to identify occupiers or operators the Council can work with to bring in investment and secure a long-term sustainable use for the buildings.


  • January 2023: Levelling Up Funding awarded.
  • March 2023: Cabinet approval of the budget and strategy.
  • July 2023: Design team fully assembled. Surveys commissioned and design development underway.
  • October 2023: Intrusive surveys carried out to determine extent of works required.
  • December 2023: Pre-application meetings with Historic England and Planning 
  • February 2024: Planning submission
  • Spring 2024: Contractor procurement.
  • Early summer 2024: Contractor appointment.
  • Late summer 2024: Start on site.
  • Early 2025: Completion