Who we are and what we do?

Better Mental Health for All is a partnership of stakeholders from the NHS, council, community and voluntary sector who provide wellbeing and mental health services to support the wellbeing of residents in Waltham Forest.

We meet to deliver on the Mental Health prevention and early help aspect of the strategy set by the Health and Wellbeing board. It is and is a subgroup of the Health and Wellbeing Board, and, where relevant, the Children’s Health & Wellbeing Board.

Better Mental Health for All (BMHfA) Adult Wellbeing Sessions

CREST WF Time to Change Hub 

The CREST WF Time to Change Hub was set up with funding from the national Time to Change programme to enable people with lived experience to develop and deliver interventions that challenge mental health stigma. Our Resident Insight Survey results show that levels of mental health stigma in Waltham Forest are currently worse than those seen nationally.

The champions use creative arts like photography, puppets, and human libraries to challenge mental health stigma and raise awareness of the impact it has on those affected. We are seeking funding to expand our bank of over 100 champions’ scope to deliver peer support groups, expanding their focus from just stigma to improving the mental wellbeing of wider communities.

Waltham Forest Social Prescribing (WFSP) Wellbeing Cafés

The WFSP Wellbeing Cafés is an initiative between the Waltham Forest Social Prescribing service and three community partners:  The Hornbeam Centre, Peabody Community Foundation and Leyton Orient Trust. The initiative runs regular face-to-face session to improve the wellbeing of adults experiencing low mood, loneliness, or anxiety.

Wellbeing Cafés are open to members for up to 3 months and new members are introduced to Wellbeing Cafes by a health and wellbeing professionals such as Social Prescribers or Talking therapists. The aim is to use the face-to-face sessions to get involved in creative and wellbeing activities, learn new skills, increase levels of self-esteem, confidence, social contacts and get connected to wider community resources in the borough.

BMHfA Adult Wellbeing Sessions

The BMHfA Adult Wellbeing Sessions will collect/process and retain some personal information about peer champions, members, residents, and service users such as their contact details. It will only share non-person identifiable data with the LBWF to enable performance monitoring and evaluation, including local indicator demographic of the Wellbeing Sessions to demonstrate its impact on the health and wellbeing of service users.

Who to contact?

If you have questions regarding the Council’s utilisation of this service or our privacy practices, you can contact us by email or in writing. 

Email Swabrina Njoku (Public Health Project Officer) at Swabrina.Njoku@walthamforest.gov.uk or the Public Health team at Public.Health@walthamforest.gov.uk

You can also contact us by post. Please write to:

Waltham Forest Council
Waltham Forest Town Hall
Forest Road
Walthamstow E17 4JF

Please note that face-to-face meetings are by appointment only and can be arranged with the service by email.

Information we hold about you

Data is collected and held electronically by the Adult Wellbeing Session providers: CREST WF, The Man Den, MTC Learning, The Hornbeam Centre, and Peabody Community Foundation in accordance with their data protection policies and procedures.

The Council will only process contract monitoring information, which excludes all identifiable data. 

Why we need your information and how we use it

The Council will only process contract monitoring information, which excludes all identifiable data. We need this information for the purpose of monitoring the impact of the service.

The Lawful basis for the processing

Participation in this project and the processing of your data is based on your consent. You will be asked to sign a membership form where you consent that the data "may be used anonymously for audit and research purposes".

Who your information will be shared with (if applicable)

The Council will not share any data collected during your participation in this project.

How long we keep your information

The Council will retain the contract monitoring data for the duration of the contract plus six years.

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