HENRY Infant Feeding Café, Chingford

A woman is breastfeeding her child.
Next up:
25 September 2024
How often:
Every Wednesday
9:30am to 11am
Chingford Family Hub, Wyemead Centre, 5 Oaks Grove, Chingford, E4 6EY
Free, just turn up
Filed under:
Family Hub

Whether you are breast, bottle or mixed feeding, our trained HENRY infant feeding practitioners can support you to give your baby a great start in life. We offer practical and emotional support for all parents with feeding your baby at any stage.

An opportunity to meet up with other mothers in a small group to get support on your infant feeding journey from an Infant Feeding Practitioner.

Infant Feeding Helpline: 0207 961 9073.

This is a Best Start in Life session. When you see Active Ashton you can expect a session to promote your child’s health.