Last updated: 4 June 2024

Next review: 4 December 2024

Sister Circle supports women in challenging circumstances to empower themselves and lead healthy lives through service provision, advocacy and peer support.

Our Maternity Mates programme provides one-to-one pregnancy, labour and postnatal support. Local female volunteers are trained to provide vital practical and emotional support for women who find themselves alone, are refugees or new migrants, English is not a first language, who are homeless, living in refuges or temporary accommodation, survivors of domestic abuse, trafficked or have experienced forms of gender violence, have experienced birth trauma.

Our Female Genital Cutting Support programme offers holistic support for women experiencing health complications as a result of cutting: one-to-one advocacy, dedicated women’s clinic and counselling. 

Our Healing Conversations programme is for women who have experienced Female Genital Cutting. The Trauma Counselling service will provide a safe space with a counsellor to begin your healing journey.

We can:

  • Offer up to 20 dedicated counselling sessions
  • Conduct your session in English, Somalian, Arabic or French
  • Offer sessions virtually or in person

Our Group Peer Support programme is for women, who have experienced birth trauma or pregnancy loss. We provide safe local venues in Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest for women to heal together through shared experiences. There are separate groups for each shared experience.


Referral required and eligibility

A referral can come from a GP, Midwife or other professionals but women can also self refer. All women as well as female migrants, refugees and asylum seekers over 18.