Creating a buzz for the borough’s Bees

world bee day
Published: 12 May 2023
Filed under: Climate change

It's World Bee Day in the borough

Waltham Forest Council is marking World Bee Day (Saturday 20 May) by celebrating pollinator species such as bees and other insects, and the vital role they play enriching our local ecosystem and green spaces. Not only do these interesting insects contribute to our food security but they are key for the conservation of biodiversity. 

Take steps to be more bee-friendly 

Residents and local groups responsible for green spaces are being encouraged to look at ways of being more bee-friendly in their neighbourhoods – from letting grass grow a bit longer during ‘No Mow May’, establishing a ‘bee hotel’, or even starting a #BeeFriendlyStreet with their local community. The Council is working with residents to help expand its successful #BeeFriendlyStreet initiative in the borough and anyone interested is being urged to get in contact so they can get the support to get started.

Establishing a #BeeFriendlyStreet gives people the opportunity to control and manually remove what are traditionally viewed as 'weeds'. This is more sustainable for pollinators such as bees and helps the Council continue to reduce the use of chemicals in its management of local streets. 

Cllr Clyde Loakes, Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Climate said: “We know how crucial bees and other pollinators are to our lives, which is why we want to do even more as a Council to protect them – after all they contribute hugely to having a rich ecosystem and biodiversity in green spaces across the borough, as well as on a larger environmental scale.

Volunteer to create bee-friendly streets

“This is also a call to action to anyone who wants to do their bit for our bees, particularly as we know more and more residents want to help us respond to the climate and biodiversity crisis. By volunteering to create a #BeeFriendlyStreet you can help improve our streets and enable vital pollinators to thrive.

“By giving up a just few hours on your street each year, you can contribute to improving the local biodiversity. We want to massively expand the number of #BeeFriendlyStreets in the borough to hit at least 100 over the summer, so please get in touch and we’ll give you all the support you need to create bee and pollinator havens in naturally beautiful streets.”

Email the Council at to get involved. 

Supporting local biodiversity, and creating a greener and more resilient borough is part of the Council’s ambitious plans to fight the climate crisis and work towards Net Zero for carbon emissions by 2030. Find out more and get involved by reading the Council’s Climate Action programme.