If you are concerned that your childcare provider may not have delivered your child/s free early education place entirely free we would suggest that you take the following action:

  1. Check our information regarding what a provider must do and the information that a provider must give you in relation to providing your child’s free early education place. You can find out more information about this on our information on charges from free early education childcare providers page.
  1. If once you have reviewed the information regarding the information that a provider must give you and you believe that your provider has not met these requirements, raise your concerns with your childcare provider in the first instance. We would recommend that you put your complaint in writing as all providers must investigate written complaints and notify complainants of the outcome of the investigation within 28 days of having received the complaint.
  1. If having written to your childcare provider you do not receive a response, or you do not believe the provider has met their requirements with regards to the information they must provide to parents/carers, please provide a copy of your written complaint and the providers response to childcare@walthamforest.gov.uk. We will then investigate your concerns and provide you with a response confirming whether we believe the provider is in breach of requirements or not and advise as to next steps.