Last updated: 20 May 2024

Next review: 20 November 2024

This content is part of the Waltham Forest JSNA. To see other JSNA content, visit the JSNA landing page

Children and young people at risk of offending or within the youth justice system often have more unmet health needs and greater mental health needs than other children. Engaging with youth justice can reduce the risk of offending in adulthood by providing intervention and rehabilitation opportunities.

The proportion of 10 to 17-year-olds who have received their first reprimand, warning, or conviction in Waltham Forest fell by 41% between 2017 (516.4 per 100,000) and 2021 (207.8 per 100,000). Although Waltham Forest's rate of first-time entrants to the youth justice system is among the lowest within the north east London region, it is slightly higher than the London and England averages.

Chart for First time entrants to the youth justice system

Source: OHID Public Health Outcomes Framework. Data from OHID's Population Health Analysis team. Date accessed: 24 March 2023.